Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Russ Feingold Slams Bush Word Games

Bush has resorted in the last few months to using the phrase, 'Islamic fascists' but it's nothing more than one of those poorly chosen phrases designed to appeal to his base and confuse everybody else. If you stop and think about it, it's not much different than calling Hitler's supporters 'Christian Nazis.' There was never anything Christian about Nazis or even neonazis. Russ Feingold is speaking out on the subject; the Wisconsin State Journal picks up on what Feingold had to say:
Sen. Russ Feingold is right that President Bush and others should stop calling terrorists "Islamic fascists."

"Call them whatever you want - monsters, butchers - but the use of the term 'Islamic fascist' puts the name of Islam. . . in an exceptionally negative light," the Wisconsin Democrat said last week.

The term is "insulting and extremely unwise," Feingold added. It suggests that Islam condones villainous actions, such as the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Many Muslims feel slighted by the pairing of Islam with fascism - a dictatorial governmental system that suppresses criticism and opposition and emphasizes nationalism and racism. Fascism was not a religious movement.

Denigrating Islam by linking it to fascism also is a strategic mistake by American leaders. Such terminology will not help the United States win friends among Muslims the world over. Instead, it will add to mistrust.

To Bush and other administration officials, "Islamic fascists" may be an easy description to spin out in speeches. But it's neither accurate nor wise.

The word "terrorists" better describes hatred-fueled individuals who kill and maim innocents. They are not guided by a religion that propagates peace and brotherhood, or that respects human life.

It's time for America to have a real foreign policy, not this nonsense that has been going on for almost six years.


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