Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We Have a Strange President

Our president, who failed to capture Osama bin Laden, is now quoting him. Dan Froomkin of The Washington Post writes on our strange president:
The spectacle of the president of the United States extensively quoting Osama bin Laden to bolster his controversial policies during political season deserves notice, and reflection.

By all rights, President Bush ought to be embarrassed that the al Qaeda leader who masterminded the September 11 terrorist attacks remains at large almost five years later.

But Bush yesterday let bin Laden share his bulliest of pulpits, giving the mass murderer precisely the attention he craves and endorsing his extreme view that a Third World War is under way.

We shouldn't forget that when Bush first walked into the White House back in January 2001, he blew off the Clinton administration and ignored warning about Osama bin Laden. This country does not need a Congress that rubber stamps the president's poor judgment. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. We needs some checks and we need some balance and we need a Congress that will stand up to Bush.


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