Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bush's Aggressive Spin Does Not Translate into Competent Leadership

George W. Bush has the best image money can buy. But we Americans need more than an image. We need a competent leader. From time to time, we elect people to the White House who aren't the best at their job and it becomes even more important than usual for Congress to make sure things get done. In this era, however, there are too many Republicans busy either lining their pockets or getting instructions from their campaign contributors. There are still a few honest Republicans but they're outgunned and outmanuevered by the likes of the Cunninghams, Frists, DeLays, Hasterts, Pombos and Neys just to mention a few.

The integrity of the Republican leadership isn't what it used. And the world is noticing. Here's a story from Britain's Times (yes, I did double take too):
Democrats finally took the gloves off today in the fight over national security by seizing on a report which says the Iraq war is fuelling global terrorism, heaping derision on President Bush’s claim that he has made America safer.

It signalled a new strategy to aggressively confront Republicans over the issue which Mr Bush’s party has exploited more than any other for electoral success.

The ferocity with which Democrats suddenly counter-attacked was in sharp contrast to a collective timidity on national security that has bedeviled the party for the past four years.

The release by Mr Bush last night of the usually highly classified National Intelligence Estimate, which stated that Iraq was fuelling the global spread of Islamic militancy, greatly intensified the crucial election-year battle over which party can be more trusted to keep America safe.

Five weeks before November’s mid-term elections, both parties said the released summary of the document bolstered their arguments about Iraq and the broader War on Terror.

But it was the Democrats’ co-ordinated and combative response that reflected a decision to no longer flinch in the face of Republican claims that they are weak on national security.

The voters will ultimately decide what happens on November 7, but it's clear that things have changed; Bush has been exposed for the failed president that he is and he will no longer get a free pass in the press.


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