Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Republican Candidate Reads Talking Points, Makes Fool of Himself

Bush spinmeister Karl Rove, who doesn't have an honest bone in his body, knows how to fight campaigns; so various Republican candidates around the country are using his talking points which are designed to obscure Bush's poor record in Iraq and poor record against terrorism. Here's what Republican Roskam of Illinois did to his Democratic opponent, Tammy Duckworth, a veteran of Iraq (Talking Points Memo election special):
...Dem House candidate Tammy Duckworth is striking back at GOP rival Peter Roskam for charging she wants to "cut and run" from Iraq -- a less-than-tasteful comment given that Iraq vet Duckworth lost both legs in the war. In an email message to be sent to supporters tomorrow which was obtained by Election Central, Duckworth campaign manager Jon Carson hammers Roskam for the comment, which he made a few days ago. "Tammy lost her legs fighting in Iraq and to accuse her of wanting to `cut and run' is simply crude,..."


Here's the ... email from Duckworth campaign manager Jon Carson:
Tammy Duckworth took her opponent, "Rubber Stamp Roskam" to task last week during the WBBM "At Issue" debate. If you haven't heard the debate, please click here.

Not surprisingly, Peter Roskam got nasty, as a career politician can. He accused Iraq war veteran Tammy Duckworth of wanting to “cut and run” from Iraq. It makes you wonder - is he the kind of person we want to send to Washington?

Tammy Duckworth has never "cut and run" from anything. Tammy lost her legs fighting in Iraq and to accuse her of wanting to “cut and run” is simply crude. Peter Roskam has no idea what position to take in on Iraq besides the infamous Bush slogans "finish well" and "stay the course" (whatever that means).

Instead of coming up with a real solution to the situation in Iraq, Peter Roskam makes slick comments about an Iraq war veteran. Do we want him to represent us in Congress? Tammy lost both of her legs in Iraq and Peter Roskam’s way of saying thank you is to callously accuse her of wanting to “cut and run.”

See the link for the full text of the e-mail.

Do Republicans running for Congress have any ability left to think for themselves? Are all they're capable of doing is rubber-stamping everything Bush wants, no questions asked? Do they pay attention to what they're asked to say and support? Do they have any respect for Democrats who have served in the military?

There's something very wrong with the Republican Party these days. It isn't the party we once knew. Many of these new Republican professionals don't have half the independence and integrity of past Republicans like Howard Baker or Barry Goldwater, who ran and won on the issues.

Let's hope Roskam is man enough to apologize.


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