Thursday, August 03, 2006

Energy and an Explanation of EROEI

A term that has been puzzling a lot of people lately is EROEI which is short for energy returned on energy invested. It's sounds like a technical Wall Street term for high-powered investors but it's not. For the last 5,000 years, even subsistence farmers have understood the general idea that in order to thrive you need to grow more than you use.

There's a lot of debate about the oil crunch, global warming, alternative energy and what our country needs to do next when it comes to having a sensible and honest energy policy. EROEI is just one part of that debate but it's a critical one since it's important that any of our energy solutions be real and not just illusions that put off the day that we have to deal with our energy situation.

Thelastsasquatch, a regular on The Oil Drum has an essay that explains what EROEI is all about. The article is mildly technical in places but he offers an illustration to get the point across. It's worth reading though I suspect a shorter more polished version could be written.


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