Monday, July 31, 2006

Republicans Have Poor National Security Record

I wonder how many Americans feel safer these days thanks to the incompetence, neglect and recklessness of the Bush administration and the Republican-controlled Congress? S.W. Anderson of Oh!Pinion has some reminders for us:
Back in January, Republican dirty-tricks mastermind Karl Rove assured a party gathering in New Hampshire: “The United States faces a ruthless enemy — and we need a commander-in-chief and a Congress who understand the nature of the threat and the gravity that America finds itself in . . . President Bush and the Republican Party do.”

As recently as July 17, Vice President Dick Cheney told attendees at a Republican fund-raiser in Iowa: “As we make our case to the voters this year, it is vital to keep issues of national security at the top of the agenda. The president and I welcome the discussion because every voter in America needs to know where the president and I stand — and where every candidate for federal office stands — when it comes to the war on terror.”

Now, as Republicans labor to impress on voters how they’re all about national security and fighting terrorists, facts keep pushing their mirrors aside and blowing their smoke away. Little, niggling details keep emerging, like how utterly unprepared the Army is for waging war.

Be sure to read the rest. And don't forget, the man who didn't send enough troops to Iraq and didn't have a plan B in case the Iraqis didn't greet us with flowers is still on the job, Donald Rumsfeld. It seems Bush needs a new team in Congress to lean on him harder to do a better job.


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