Monday, May 15, 2006

Bush Cut Border Patrol Last Year

It appears President Bush has created his own 'crisis.' Tonight, he'll appear on TV in his latest effort to save his presidency—and the country—from his own bungling. Steve Soto of The Left Coaster has the story:
As you listen (or avoid listening) to Bush pander to his right wing tonight by redirecting 5,000 burned out National Guard troops to patrol the southern border “temporarily”, remember that it was this same president who eliminated nearly 10,000 new border patrol agent positions because there wasn’t enough money after his tax cuts.

Illegal immigration is a problem that can be handled with an honest bipartisan commission, not Republicans trying to hide from their scandals. Bush's frantic arm-waving is getting to be a tiresome routine.

There's an executive style that I've despised all my life: that's the problem solver who tries to get credit for 'solving' a problem he created in the first place. I'll be watching a ballgame tonight.


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