More on Niger/Iraq Story?
The Italian elections raise the question of whether there might be more revelations on who exactly concocted the forged documents concerning the phony Niger/Iraq uranium connection and how the Italian government may or may not have been involved in the charade.
Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, who along with people like Eriposte of The Left Coaster and Laura Rozen of War and Piece, has been following the story for some time (and has scooped the mainstream media on several occassions) has been asked whether we might find out more about the story after the Italian elections and a change in power. Marshall offers some possibilities, some good and some bad, but is generally skeptical about any further developments in the Niger/Iraq story at the Italian end, but I appreciate the honesty and even the humor of his last paragraph which is something the mainstream media is often loath to admit about itself:
Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, who along with people like Eriposte of The Left Coaster and Laura Rozen of War and Piece, has been following the story for some time (and has scooped the mainstream media on several occassions) has been asked whether we might find out more about the story after the Italian elections and a change in power. Marshall offers some possibilities, some good and some bad, but is generally skeptical about any further developments in the Niger/Iraq story at the Italian end, but I appreciate the honesty and even the humor of his last paragraph which is something the mainstream media is often loath to admit about itself:
These two points, I know, rather contradict each other. But they are the sum of what I know. Will things change? Maybe. There are some hints of it. But I remain skeptical.
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