Thursday, April 06, 2006

More on Bush and Libby

Larry Johnson at the TPM Cafe has more to say on Libby's statements and how it connects to Bush:
By the summer of 2003, it was clear that the skeptics in the intelligence community were right. So, what did our fearful leader do? According to Scooter Libby, President Bush ordered him to spread disinformation with the press. The President tried to cherry pick intelligence and feed the line to gullible reporters that Joe Wilson's claim about Iraq's efforts to acquire uranium from Niger was wrong.

What we now know, without any shadow of doubt, is that Joe Wilson's version of events, namely, that Iraq had not tried to obtain yellowcake uranium in Niger, was accurate. In fact, the CIA had to recant on the President's 16 words in the State of the Union address, which claimed the opposite was true.

Today's revelation is simple and riveting--the effort to smear Joe Wilson went to the very top of the White House. This was not an operation of rogue political operators. Instead, we have a rogue President....
George W. Bush can be summed very simply: he lied his way into war, then lied about the lies.


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