Thursday, February 16, 2006

Another Conservative Criticizes Bush

Max of Max Speak notes that conservative and former Reagan administration figure Bruce Bartlett has written a book, Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the American Legacy. Mr. Barlett, despite being having considerable credentials as an economist and conservative was apparently fired from his think tank job for writing the book. Max has a few choice words to add about the current Republican environment:

You look at the clowns warming seats at all the well-oiled conservative think tanks in town and consider that there is no place for Bruce. Which leads us to 3M, the MaxSpeak Meme of the Millenium:

The Republican Party has utterly rubbished its principles for the sake of political power, and the intellectual standing of its apologists has descended to the level of sea slugs.
There are still principled Republicans around. It's just that far too few of them are in office or in a position to have influence. I suspect that Karl Rove, Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich, just to name a few, have seen to that.


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