Wednesday, February 08, 2006

American Pundit Reviews Al Franken Book

I have to admit that I'm sometimes a little leery of political books by celebrities. I stopped reading one of Michael Moore's books because he kept getting too creative with his material. Now most of what Moore writes is on the mark but I'm old-fashioned and like my commentary straight up. But Michael Moore reaches people the rest of us can only dream of reaching so in the end I'm for him. When I listen to Al Franken on Air America, I have quibbles but at at the end of the day I'm for him as well.

If I'm old-fashioned and like my commentary within throwing distance of agreed-upon facts, readers can imagine how I respond these days to book written by people like Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly: I'm usually cross-eyed by the second page. It was only about sixteen years ago, before the Limbaugh era, that conservative writers made an effort to work with the facts that were part of the known universe; usually the only differences revolved around what those facts meant. A long time ago, George Will was consistently that kind of writer.

Things have obviously changed. It now takes humorists, muckrakers, satirists, lyrical writers and even plodders like myself to get the message out to America that everything is not well with the things the Bush/DeLay machine are doing in our names. American Pundit has a review on Al Franken's latest book, The Truth. Wow, now there's a refreshing concept. Here's an excerpt from the American Pundit review:
Al Franken's humor is hit or miss for me. Sometimes he's rolling-on-the-floor funny, but much of the time he falls flat. Luckily, his latest book is heavy on the truth and wickedly dry on the humor. This one's a hit.

Franken dissects the "fear, smears and queers" strategy that gave President Bush 50.73% of the vote in 2004. I'd never heard of Terror Management Theory before, but the Bush campaign really has the fear mongering down.


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