Monday, February 12, 2007

New Interview with Bill Richardson

Believe it or not, it takes time to find good articles on the candidates. Whether I'm googling the news or blogs, there's considerable noise about candidates that's either worthless negative stuff coming from the right or articles that honestly don't say much. I'm happy when I can find an interview and let the candidate do the talking.

Here's an excerpt from a long interview with Bill Richardson by Knox News:
Question: Tell us what you consider the three most important issues facing the nation.

Answer: First, energy security and national security. The issue of energy independence, how can we wean ourselves from the 65 (percent) imported oil statistic to become a country that is not so dependent on fossil fuels and shifts to renewable technologies.

Number two, how can we regain our standing in the world as a country. As part of that, how do we get out of Iraq in an efficient and honorable way.

Third, the state of our education system. Our schools need to become more competitive. We need to find ways to pay our teachers better, to restore America's ability to be able to send every kid to college or community college or vocational school.

I agree with the first two and it's clear education is very important but I would say health care is number three; I live in an area where a good hospital is closing because the money is simply drying up. Nationally, there's no question health care is broken. Otherwise, it's a good interview, though it covers more personal or political areas rather than Richardson's views on the big issues. Even if Richardson doesn't win the nomination, we've got to get this guy somewhere into the next administration.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record, the interview was not conducted by the Knoxville News, but by Kate Nelson and Kate Nash of The Albuquerque Tribune. You can read it in its entirety or watch a video of the interview at

8:37 AM  
Blogger Poechewe said...

I just looked and the sourcing is there at the end of the interview. I swear it wasn't there yesterday because I was curious about the reporters. Hmmm.

Here's the link to the original source:

3:44 PM  

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