Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The 'McCain Doctrine'

I stopped trusting George W. Bush a long time ago. Although Bush could surprise us, all the noise being directed from the White House about a troop 'surge' is probably on the level and Bush will blunder once more in Iraq with the risk of expanding the war. Nobody has been louder about increasing the number of troops at this late date than John McCain. So, thanks to John Edwards, McCain is now saddled with his own words; Greg Sargeant of TPM Cafe has the story:
John Edwards has coined a new phrase that is likely to resonate throughout the Presidential campaign: "The McCain Doctrine." The phrase seeks to wrap the prospect of an escalation of the Iraq war as tightly as possible around the neck of John McCain, the most vocal proponent of a "surge" in troops. According to the Arizona Republic, Edwards hatched the "McCain doctrine" formulation in an exchange with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Sunday.

I also saw an article by Joe Lieberman calling for a troop surge. Do either McCain or Lieberman believe, at this late date, that George W. Bush knows what he's doing? Should George W. Bush blatantly ignore the Iraq Study Group? A clue is that a growing number of Republicans in Washington are distancing themselves from President Bush's Iraq policy.

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