Sunday, October 29, 2006

Republican Congress Woefully Out of Touch

There really is a difference between mainstream Republicans and the right wingers. The right wingers just don't seem to get how much of a failure Bush and his crew have been.

We all know that Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, was not good for America, that his philosophy was so right right and so avaracious in terms of his own power and in terms of developing the Republican money machine through lobbyists and campaign contributors that he left tens of millions of Americans out of any kind of consideration. Think of it for a moment. Can any democracy ignore tens of millions of people, I mean numbers far exceeding the populations of half the countries in the world!

When it came to foreign policy, Tom DeLay was never particularly consistent except to promote whatever policy maintained his personal political power. Like other Republicans in Congress, DeLay simply rubber stamped Bush when Bush still had high numbers.

But DeLay is gone and now we have boneheads like House Majority Leader John Boehner who says things like this (via Yahoo News):
The No. 2 leader in the House on Sunday said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is "the best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in 25 years," sparking a debate with Democrats who said the comments show why the GOP should be voted out of power.

Rumsfeld's leadership of the bloody mission in Iraq has become a divisive issue in the Nov. 7 elections. Many Democrats and a few Republicans are calling for his resignation, but President Bush repeatedly has defended him. So did House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, during an appearance Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

"I think Donald Rumsfeld is the best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in 25 years," Boehner said. "This Pentagon and our military needs a transformation. And I think Donald Rumsfeld's the only man in America who knows where the bodies are buried at the Pentagon, has enough experience to help transform that institution."

Rumsfeld is one of three reasons that Iraq is such a foreign policy disaster (Bush and Cheney being the other two). Too few troops, too much looting and too much operational confusion can be laid squarely at the feet of Rumsfeld. And that's before Rumsfeld gave us Abu Ghraib. If you're going to go to war, you better know what you're trying to accomplish. The war in Iraq is a strange one and one of the things Americans are beginning to realize is that it's a political war, not a war of necessity.


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