Thursday, August 10, 2006

More on the Downfall of Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman, who within hours of being defeated by Ned Lamont, sounds more and more like a neocon willing to use fear to wage a campaign, is continuing to self-destruct. It's sad to watch. Joe Conason in Working for Change has this to say:
As Connecticut Democrats went to their polling places to choose a Senate nominee, waves of rhetorical hysteria burst forth from the mouths of excitable conservatives. At stake in the primary was not only the fate of a single politician, they cried, but the very "soul of the Democratic Party" and perhaps even the fate of the West.

Moldy old terms like "appeasement" and "Stalinist" have been brandished to insinuate that anyone who dares to dissent from the failed policies adopted by Joe Lieberman and the Bush administration is at best a fool and at worst a traitor.

Such overwrought commentary, often phrased in terms of deep concern for the future of the party of F.D.R., J.F.K. and Harry S. Truman, usually emanates from commentators whose political objective is continued Republican domination of all branches of government. Democrats should reject the premises of this propaganda barrage -- which is designed to deceive but only reveals an extraordinary capacity for self-deception on the right.

Conason goes on to say more but the above just about sums up the hand-wringing hypocrisy of right wing Republicans. When politicians lose touch with the American people and have nothing to offer, it's just simply time for them to go. Republicans can see the writing on the wall and they're nervous.