Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hillary Clinton on Law and Public Service

Hillary Clinton has an article in Newsweek on the benefits of getting a law degree and going into public service. To be honest, the article is somewhat watered down but there was one paragraph that caught my attention—and why is is that so many journalists and politicians bury their most essential observations or thoughts deep inside an article?; read a few paragraphs of an article on the front page of The New York Times and you miss the best part which is somewhere back on A11 or somewhere. Anyway, here's the paragraph:
In the end, the law is a profession unlike any other. By sheer strength of argument you can right wrongs, protect society against abuse and serve the public good. At its best, law can be a field where your belief in justice can become justice itself....

It's a lesson that applies not just to law but to any situation where people can bring a level of expertise or simply informed involvement. It's a lesson that needs to be heard on the blogs a little more often.


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