Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yearly Kos and the Politicians

Joe Garofoli of the San Francisco Chronicle has a story on the curious dance going on between bloggers and politicians now that the blogosphere is being taken more seriously:
While leading Democratic politicians have embraced the digital age of politics by kissing up to the 1,000 Internet-savvy bloggers convening here at the first YearlyKos convention this weekend, everybody is still trying to figure out how exactly to behave in a 21st century political courtship.

It is a question provoking much discussion among the digiterati at the first major convention inspired by a political blog, Daily Kos, which is run by Berkeley resident Markos Moulitsas Zuniga.

Many of those who identify themselves as "net- roots" activists started blogging over the past few years out of the frustration of feeling excluded from the chummy world of Washington politics. But now that Washington has come calling after seeing how much buzz and cash the blogosphere can raise, the bloggers are warily sizing up their suitors....

Actually, the article in some ways is about the stereotypes and misconceptions that the media itself has brought to the understanding of the blogosphere.


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