Saturday, June 17, 2006

More Discussions on Blogging and Yearly Kos

I haven't specifically been looking for YearlyKos stories but I keep coming across them as I wander through various blogs. The progressive blogging community needed a convention and it finally took place. If anything, such a convention should have happened last year. Christy Hardin Smith of Firedoglake has more thoughts on the convention and the need for more community building:
One of the things that I found most fascinating — and fun — about the YearlyKos convention, and about my short time at the Take Back America Conference earlier this week as well — was the large number of folks who introduced themselves to me, but who had never posted a comment here at FDL. These folks, these incredibly articulate and passionate and informed folks, spent their money to come to a conference, and took the time to introduce themselves to me despite the fact that our only interaction had been that they had read something I had written at some point, and it stimulated a thought that they wanted to discuss with me in person.

Amazing. And wonderful, and humbling, all at the same time.

Americans are so hungry for leadership, for honest conversations about the very real issues that they face every day, that they were willing to plunk down their hard-earned cash, sometimes flying across the country to get there, to attend a conference where they could talk face to face about the issues that matter to them. With people who cared enough about the same problems that they not only wanted to listen, but also wanted to brainstorm about solutions to those problems because someone needs to be doing it, and they are willing to pick up the mantle if no one else will.

Given how right wing Republicans play the game, it isn't about what's good for America: it's about what's good for Republican politicians and their campaign contributors. Given how George W. Bush, Bill Frist, Dennis Hastert and Karl Rove operate, we can expect continued paralysis in Washington instead of real solutions. The biggest mistake Republicans have made is that they have given up the leadership issue. Public relations and spin can give the impression of leadership but they are no substitute for the real thing.


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