Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Rumsfeld Should Resign

Some news reports say it's five generals who are calling for Rumsfeld to resign or be fired or to step down. Bush cannot keep defending incompetence and arrogance. Alone on a Limb says it's ten generals who have gone public on Rumsfeld:
Six, no Seven, no Eight, no Nine, make that
Ten Generals Speak
Some of these guys would probably take issue with me on a number of issues, but I think they agree with me that the Bush Pentagon has done a poor job. Hear some excerpts of their words.

“More than half the American people now believe that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. They’re right.” - General Wesley Clark

UPDATE: Terrell of Alone on a Limb has now found thirteen generals critical of Rumsfeld, not ten.


Blogger Terrell said...

Thanks for the link. It's thirteen so far. All these guys did not specifically ask for Rumsfeld's head, but they did voice displeasure with Rumsfeld and or his boss. The correct address is:

8:23 PM  

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